The art of public speaking - managing state. Most people approach speaking in public and presentations with some dread, and even the most experienced speakers probably get nervous before an important event. As we saw in last year's brilliant film, ‘The King’s Speech’ this affects even the most powerful people,…

Presenting with Insights Discovery – 4 ways into inspiring speaking
Insights Discovery ® personal and team development
16/11/2017Captivating audiences with Insights colour energy types
Last time I introduced the idea of using the Insights Discovery® tool and colour energy to enrich your speaker skills. I promised some more detail, so here we go. Let’s look at where each personality or colour energy type, in Insights Discovery terms, might have their value.
You can click on the diagram on the left to enlarge it and see the descriptions more clearly.
As a speaker, we might want to start with:
Fiery Red energy.
This colour energy or preference is characterised by the following adjectives:
• Competitive
• Demanding
• Determined
• Strong willed
• Purposeful
These speakers give the message a sense of strong direction: the big “SO WHAT? I’LL TELL YOU SO WHAT!” The delivery is strong, emphatic, and punchy.
It can be useful to think about Fiery Red colour energy when crafting your opening attention-grabber and your final call to arms.
It is driven by results and can inspire and provoke in equal measure. It is certain and forward looking but!
Warning: overuse leads to coercion rather than buy in, and specifically an illusion of powerful presence that rapidly disperses with hindsight.
Sunshine Yellow energy.
This colour energy or preference is characterised by the following adjectives:
• Sociable
• Dynamic
• Enthusiastic
• Persuasive
These people are full of imagination, ideas and optimism. The speaker will describe a positive vision, tell a story and fire the imagination with images and metaphors.
The delivery is enthusiastic and musical.
Look to this colour energy filter to make sure you have included personal experience and observations.
They are good at encouraging rapport through self-disclosure and fun but!
Warning: overuse leads to style over content, lack of coherence and the impression of being gushy or inauthentic.
Earth Green energy.
This colour energy or preference is characterised by the following adjectives:
• Caring
• Encouraging
• Relaxed
• Sharing
• Patient
The Earth Green speaker demonstrates feeling for the audience’s position. If reassurance or support is needed, they will give it.
The delivery is inclusive, calm and understated.
When considering Earth Green audience’s needs, think about the feeling words you might use, while being careful not to make assumptions about their reactions (i.e. ‘I am wondering if you might feel a bit overwhelmed’ rather than ‘I’m sure you feel overwhelmed’).
They will appreciate the issues the topic throws up, and will step into the shoes of the listener but!
Warning: overuse leads to inaudibility, shrinking in the spotlight, and inward-turned energy.
Cool Blue energy.
This colour energy or preference is characterised by the following adjectives:
• Cautious
• Precise
• Deliberate
• Questioning
• Formal
From a speaker’s point of view, they represent thought, logical argument and evidence. They are trustworthy and statesmanlike, measured in delivery and have a contained gravitas.
This quadrant is where we check our knowledge–base.
Stability and order rule, and they have an ability to do what is right. They will have done their homework but!
Warning: overuse leads to hundreds of Powerpoint slides, complicated graphs and detail that no-one cares about!
So as a speaker or leader, the ability to tap into the positive qualities of all 4 colour energy types is key. They give us structure, breadth and clear intention. They give us a way of preparing. They give us a deeper grasp of our topic. They not only enhance our speaker presence, but our deeper empathy – so remaining authentic and associated – and the audience knows the difference.
Want to know more about Insights Colour Energy types or want to know what personality type you are?